Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet 4th Dlc Dissonance of the Nexu

Note that this DLC has a missable achievement, so make sure you stick to the walkthrough for the story! Also, Practise NOT sell the Emblem Earrings you find in this DLC, they are accessories that can exist sold and MUST be turned in for an outfit design that leads to an achievement. Information technology seems you tin can go multiple Emblem Earrings, merely I don't know if that applies to all 26, and so don't take the gamble. To exist safe don't open whatsoever chests until I tell you to do then, that style you won't get them by blow and sell them or something.

Note that at that place are side quests and such for the DLC, but they are not required for the achievements relating to those types of quests. Don't accept to carp with them.

Starting Out

To admission the DLC, save and quit to the chief menu, select start game, choose your save, and then select DotN. Sentry the initial scenes, then head to the teleporter in the Glocken and select the White Frontier. From here follow the n mountain northwest, you'll run into some scorpions/bees and then an alcove with a Waste Gang boss. The good news is that Waste Gang is easy compared to Genbu. Employ Armor Interruption Shot and Power Grade and and then cascade as many bullets as yous can into his face (his main weak point). With any luck, you'll exercise enough damage to stagger information technology before he gets to yous, and information technology'll autumn down and sit there for a few moments, giving you even more time to fill his face up with bullets. There are 2 drones that can practise quite a bit of damage if you stand still, and so make certain yous movement left or right when you encounter a bullet line (though on easy this might not affair).

Before you murder Waste Gang a billion times for level ups though, I would farm a good weapon. The Rank 11 from the Predatory General I went with was Lupus, if you desire the rank 11 version (but with chips and better rarity) Waste material Gang can drib either that or a Pistol, merely y'all'll demand to be on extreme to get it, which would be a crude fight right now. What I used was a Gatling Gun though. For that, you'll want to basically follow the path from the entrance of White Frontier direct w to a dungeon (follow the road w). Once you unlock the teleport to the archway save and quit, and then switch to extreme difficulty. Teleport to the dungeon archway (don't go inside) and then go east a scrap. Two gatling drones will spawn. Kill them both and pray for a driblet. If you have any accessories with item drop or rare detail drop, equip them. There are some Lite Facsimiles that will spawn that will mess y'all upward shortly subsequently you kill the drones, and that's fine. You lot want to die, so press start and choose yeah to reload, then do information technology over again. Be quick though, because if everyone goes down you're sent dorsum to the Glocken. I wouldn't bother trying to subcontract for a legendary with a god bit setup, for now just try for an epic (6 slots+) or legendary. For the epic yous want at to the lowest degree one of the chips to be Weapon Impairment, Optical Damage, Weak Spot harm, or Damage Vs. Mechs preferably at xv% or above (simply lower is fine). For Legendary it doesn't thing what the chips are.

Once you accept that, head to the Predatory General in the Glocken, yous want to purchase a weapon with each of the 4 stats in a higher place, with a adept %, preferably fifteen% or more than. Farm Genbu for cash as needed. Check your inventory as you may have some guns that already run across these requirements. One time y'all have them, head to Lisbeth in Kirito's Room. Our goal is to put Weapon Damage, Optical Impairment, Weak Spot Impairment, and Damage Vs. Mechs on the Benetnasch. If you lot're using a different weapon, make certain to check its stat canvas. In the peak left y'all'll come across an icon that denotes its damage type, make sure you replace Optical Damage with the right type (unless it's also Optical). Anyway, let's brand the weapon. The materials required go up with rank, so to salve a lot of credits and unlocking/transform fries, the procedure is a little more complicated.

i. Cheque your Benetnasch and see how many of the 4 stats it has. Now, await at the open slots (the open slots don't have a yellowish diamond by them). Y'all need to add the stats above that you have with the open up slots and so unlock the number of slots you lot need. For example, if it only has Optical Harm and i open slot, you need to unlock two more slots. If you have Optical Damage, Weak Spot Damage, and Impairment Vs Mechs AND it has an open slot, you don't demand to unlock any at all. In order to unlock a fleck, talk to Lisbeth, choose transform, select your Benetnasch, and and so select a garbage weapon y'all have no apply for (Not one with the stats you need on it). Highlight a locked slot and printing cn_A and choose to unlock it. Practice this for as many slots as you need. Press start and so confirm information technology to open up the slots. You can only unlock a number of slots equal to the total number of slots divided by two, rounded up. This is why it has to be ballsy or legendary, lower rarities won't let yous unlock enough chips.

2. Take one of those low-rank legendary weapons with eight slots I told yous to keep. Utilise the process in a higher place to get 4 open up slots. Now yous desire to cull transform, select your depression rank legendary, and and then select i of the weapons you lot bought with the 4 preferred stats. Select an open up slot on your legendary, and then select the stat you lot want to put in there (the 4 to a higher place). Smash the other weapons with the preferred stats into it with the aforementioned procedure. This should go out you with a legendary that has Optical Damage, Weak Spot Damage, Weapon Damage, and Damage Vs. Mechs.

3. Choose transform again. Select your Benetnasch, then select your legendary. Replace the 4 open up chips in the Benetnasch with the 4 chips from the legendary. You should now have a Benetnasch with Optical Damage, Weak Spot Damage, Weapon Damage, and Damage Vs. Mechs. Yous're now good to go. For the much harder fights, nosotros'll need a much more specific setup, merely this is proficient enough to farm for at present. We likewise need to smash a ton of weapons into our depression tier legendary to get the %s much college in the endgame, but that will be a much bigger commitment, then you don't want to do it until you're absolutely sure you accept a weapon y'all want to use for the rest of your completion time.

With that weapon in hand, slaughter Waste matter Gang. I could beat him quite comfortably on normal at this point, and you lot get much more experience for doing so, so I'd suggest doing the aforementioned. Farthermost is a very different fauna though, I establish it quite difficult to stagger before information technology started one-shotting everyone, and even when I did I could non impale it before it got up. If you don't kill it during the stagger the fight becomes considerably harder, as you're basically relegated to blind firing into its body as you won't see the face as much to do maximum harm, much less stagger it again. It's probably far more viable once you get closer to the 200+ range and have the stats to survive a shot or two. The achievement is for level 270, and the cap seems to be 300, though you don't demand to get that high. How high you get is upward to you lot, but once you lot're in the 200 range I'd probably take a interruption and do the story. You'll pick up some experience there and you don't actually want to make the push button to 270 until you're done with absolutely everything else, because it gets really boring as y'all get closer to 270.

Now it's fourth dimension for the story, which is pretty tedious. There's a ton of facsimile enemies in the dungeons, and the game relies much more on "puzzles" like hitting red orbs and activating consoles. Most rooms accept some kind of mechanic related to them. Equally a consequence, progress is much slower than you are used to and it sucks pretty bad. Every bit we become through the story we need to collect Emblem Earrings to unlock an outfit design. A bunch are located in chests in the White Frontier, you lot need to grab them now. Yous also need iii things chosen Observation Records, these permit you to access a few chests in dungeons that also accept these EEs. The chests won't e'er give Emblem Earrings, they may give other things. Besides, note the Emblem Earrings may be obtained as Unappraised items, so you won't know you got information technology until you go back to town, dainty. In that location's 26, 1 for each letter A-Z. Since the White Frontier is a pretty open up surface area it'd be pretty hard to direct you to them all, and then I will but give you a map. For the earrings, if you don't get them from a breast teleport to the outside of the nearest dungeon and try again. The Ascertainment Records seem to be a 100% drop. The Es on the map are earrings, the Os are the Ascertainment Records. EA is Emblem Earring A, EB is Keepsake Earrings B, and then on. O1 is Observation Record ane, and so on. I would advise stashing the Emblems Earrings in your item box and so you lot don't accidentally sell them. While it seems the chests will drib multiple Emblem Earrings, I wouldn't gamble it.

White Frontier EEs and ORs

Meteorological Institute Ruins (MIR because typing it is exhausting)

Once you have that done, information technology's storytime. Teleport to the MIR. Head to the commencement room, immediately turn right and activate the console, then go through the door by information technology. You need to impale the enemies and hit the switches here. One is on top of the box by the door, another is to the correct afterwards you go upwards the sets of stairs, and the final one is at the dead-end in this room. Return to the first room and kill all the enemies, then caput east. In the next room, yous have to striking 3 switches over again. The first i is to the left in an alcove after the offset set of stairs, the second is direct ahead after the adjacent set of stairs, and you'll see the concluding one up some more stairs. Keep to the door and head south. Go either way to find a bunch of artillery in front of the door. In this adjacent room caput to the eastern expressionless end to discover a console to activate. Return to the room and in the northeast corner, y'all'll see some boxes - leap up them and hitting the cherry-red orb hither. At present head west and you'll observe a belfry at the cease, UFG upward it, and hit the red orb. Return to the room and approach the south door, 2 robots will spawn, impale them. Go through the south door. In the side by side room, go east and kill all the enemies in this room. A northern door will open, head through it, and actuate the panel. Go dorsum to the room and open the west door by using the console. Open the two chests hither, i of which should have Emblem Earring F.

Now head south to the adjacent room. Yous'll see a console ahead, actuate information technology. And so go around the square room going clockwise and actuate the consoles on the exterior walls. When you lot reach the northwest corner the console is to the right, not left. Now head to the s side of the room and go north into the alcove to find the final panel, then head south. Activate the console and head into the warp gate, and so head into the next 1 ahead of you lot. Follow the path to the door, murdering everything on the way to open the door, then enter the warp gate. Kill the Ghospet, which you should have a lot of practise doing by now. Head south to a door for a scene, then render home for a scene. Now go to the Shops in the Glocken. Later on the scene introducing some people new to the story, Seven and Rain volition take a talk: DURING THIS, YOU MUST SELECT "I KNOW JUST WHERE TO Look". This should start "Outerwear Materials Hard". If non, y'all dun goofed, dashboard and choose the right answer. Now we have to kill 3 bosses.

ane . Teleport to the Exterior of the Sea Watchtower in Remnant Wasteland. Turn correct and the UE Bloody Butcher will exist right at that place, kill information technology.

2. Now teleport to the Subway A entrance inside the dungeon in the Erstwhile S. Head east and kill the dominate. Then head to Abandoned Road Depths and go north into the warp gate and impale Ghospet.

3. Caput to the White Frontier, teleport to the Meteorological Institute Ruins exterior and head southwest to the objective marker. Not certain what you're supposed to kill, I was gunning down random enemies looking for a UE and the quest randomly completed, maybe information technology was the Enemy Caller type enemy. Either mode won't exist hard to notice.

Head to the Coop Lobby Counter in the Lobby and talk to Seven to your right. Now teleport to the Frozen Plant (it'south a teleport betoken in the northwest section of white Frontier if you don't have it walk over there to go it now). Head to the objective marker northwest of you lot and become inside. Follow the path east for a scene, and so y'all'll be sent domicile. Teleport to the MIR Entrance (inside). Enter the door by yous and go through this area once again, in that location will be 2 players near the terminate, kill them both for a scene. Teleport to the midpoint and get e, impale that role player, and and then go south and kill the player in the console alcove. So head south into the warp gate, and the side by side one. Caput through this room to the warp gate and trounce the Ghospet again, then go south to the door. After the scene, nosotros tin progress. Caput south into the warp gate. then activate the teleport to your left. Caput due south through the hallway to a room, there'southward a red orb to your right. Head through the expanse killing everything to open the door at the stop. Head to the next room and turn correct, get up the platforms to find a ruby-red orb, then go to the south end of the room to find another. Return to the first room and caput east.

In this room, there's a red orb to your left when you enter, and i in the back of the bottom floor on the right. Go up the stairs and hit the one by you, then turn effectually and you'll see some other. Plough left and you'll run into one a piffling in a higher place. Now the door going south will open up, simply first, go east through the door on the lesser floor (use the console). Enter this room and kill all the enemies, and then get east. One of the chests will have Emblem Earrings M. Enter the warp gate to find a teleport. Follow the path to the objective. You'll get an achievement after the scene.

You'll be booted to the White Frontier. Teleport to the teleporter in the Glocken and head a few steps forward to the objective for a scene, then render to the Frozen Plant in the White Frontier. Head northwest to the new area once more and enter. Follow the path to a fork and caput e to the objective for a scene, then go southeast to the objective for a scene. Head due east and do it again. Teleport to the Midpoint iii in the MIR. Follow the path to the objective again. Head further due south to a fork, and become east on the ground level through the door with the console. Get to the east side of the room to find a chest with Emblem Earring H. Go up the ramps to the acme and hit the red orb, then drop down and utilise the warp gate. Head south and y'all'll run across a bunch of warp gates, enter the one close to you on the right. Impale the enemies here and use the w door. Striking the console then go in the warp gate. Go into the left warp gate now, kill all the enemies, and then go through in the door in the north wing. Hitting the panel and utilize the warp gate. Caput s into the far warp gate. You'll find the Zodiac Crown dominate. He will autumn quite easily to your Benetnasch. After he is expressionless go s and after two doors a teleport will exist on your left. Proceed south for a scene, then you'll exist booted to the White Frontier over again. Teleport to the Frozen Plant and become northwest to the other area. Render to the dome in the far east for a scene. You'll get an achievement.

Now teleport to Midpoint iv in the MIR. Caput s for a scene, then enter the warp gate. Activate the teleport to the left, then enter the e warp gate for a boss. Her weak point is the precious stone on her breasts, though it can be difficult to hit subsequently she staggers because she falls back a fleck. Either fashion, she will be an easy kill. One time she dies y'all'll become an achievement for beating her, and an achievement for getting a weapon from this DLC if y'all haven't already.

Locked and Loaded

Obtain 1 of the weapons added in "Noise of the Nexus."

Locked and Loaded

1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player Collectable Shop

Head into the warp gate due west of you. You lot'll have some scenes, so some other important dialog choice to make. Answer "We'll search every last inch of this place." You should get the quest Manhunt: Hard. Teleport to the Frozen Plant and head southwest to the objective. After the scene kill the player. Caput east and slightly due south to the next objective. Yous'll be moved to the next dungeon, Icicle Prison house. Head inside. Head east to the first room. Yous tin can cheque the console on the right, simply you only need to use the i in the middle. It will spawn two mines and a UE. Shoot it so it walks over the mines then kill information technology. Become down the ramp at the finish of the bridge and on the ground level enter the northeast room later on using the console. Jump onto the boxes and wait up and south, yous'll run into a platform you lot tin UFG to. At present yous want to UFG up the w wall, it seems to work best when you aim to the other side of the platform, farthest from y'all. Open the chest for Keepsake Earring I, then use the console to open the nearby door. Drop down and go through the n door. Impale the enemies here and and then look at the due north door. There are 3 orbs that are either green or reddish, memorize the layout. The northeast door will open, head within, and walk forward and a mine circle will appear, but it'south a teleport, stand up in it. Apply the console to your left and backside you. Now become in the southeast door and fall downwards, kill the enemies, and then use the north door. Follow the path killing the enemies, when y'all accomplish the door look south to discover some red orbs, striking them to match the pattern above the door. For me the tiptop two were light-green, the bottom one should be red. Now you can enter the north door. Actuate the teleport in front of you and go eastward.

Drib downwardly and impale the enemies here. You lot'll demand to go upward the stairs and walk around the outer border to find some of them. In one case they're all expressionless 2 robots will spawn, then some drones and a flying enemy. After they are expressionless you lot'll get a scene. And so go through the e door and use the warp gate. Become northward for 1 line of text and continue due north. Kill the enemies and head northwest. Work your way up this room killing everything equally you go, so go through the door at the summit. Continue until you see two ammo boxes, turn west. Expect to a higher place the door to run across the design, and then go south to the red orbs and set up them up. For me, information technology was this.


At present enter the warp gate backside the door and kill the Zodiac Crown. You'll take a scene, the 2 chests take outfits (not relevant to achievements just an FYI). Enter the warp gate. Go straight east to a room with boxes and you'll find the Emblem Earring J in the chest. At present head south. Use the console you see, kill the enemies, so continue. You'll see another panel and then a Deliquent. Work your way to the bottom and kill the robot, then use the southwest door. Go to the first of the room and expect due north for the red orb solution, the top two were dark-green for me, lesser two ruby-red. The red orbs are just past the door we just came through. Go through the door you opened and prepare for a ton of enemies. Later on they're all dead head north into the warp gate. Head west to the fork and get north, you lot'll see a door with reddish orbs in a higher place it, the red orbs are west of the fork.


Enter the warp gate backside the north door, and become in the side by side warp gate. Activate the teleport to your left. Caput east for ii scenes, and then a boss called Executioner, which is just a palette bandy of Waste product Gang. The same process for killing him applies. Head east and use the console ahead, behind it are some boxes, jump onto them and you'll see a petty alcove with a chest that has Emblem Earring J. Now caput south and follow the path to a warp gate, use it. You'll take a scene, then you'll get the bounty screen and you can pick a political party, doesn't really matter who. Y'all'll have to fight 3 of the Deliquent type enemies at once. I stood on the rocks to the right at the beginning and they didn't seem to set on him, but I could take just been lucky. Follow the path s to the objective for a boss fight. This dude'due south pretty abrasive because I couldn't seem to stagger him. His weak point is his face up and you'll struggle to exist able to striking it considering he moves around and then much. At that place's a little red thing sticking out of the knee joints that is also a weak bespeak just doesn't take every bit much damage as the face. He fires a agglomeration of missiles, does a whirlwind attack where he spins beyond the arena, and also spins in place. The missiles are quite hard to dodge (require a very well timed dodge), if you're quick y'all can move from the cyclone. Try to let your allies get attacked and and then pump lead into it until it dies. Your biggest problem is your allies Dear to oversupply effectually the boss and become beaten down, especially when one of them dies. The other AI will revive him/her and and then stand correct adjacent to them so the dominate can slay them all at once. Y'all want to stay far away from the boss (and your allies) but if they showtime to crowd around each other effort giving them different orders (come up to me, agree position, or whatsoever) to try and get them to break up. You'll get an achievement when information technology goes down.

Afterward the seemingly unskippable credits, teleport to your dwelling entrance in the Glocken and talk to Kirito nearby for some scenes. Caput to the Found Depths teleport and go south. You'll confront a Snowstorm Ereshkigal dominate, which is simply a palette swap of a previous boss. But practise the same affair, pump bullets into the precious stone on her breasts until she dies. Next, teleport to the exterior of the Establish Ruins and go west to find a warp gate to the dungeon, SBC Abend, enter. Follow the path to the Cocytus Nifta boss. He is a palette bandy of the dominate in the Icicle Prison, with an extra contraction, when he shoots 4 missiles these go out behind icicles, you demand to stand behind one of them (in relation to the boss) in guild to avoid it's incredibly strong laser assail. It did 16k damage to me on normal. Nosotros need to fight this dominate on extreme and so...that'll be fun. Teleport to the Dwelling house Archway in the Glocken and talk to Lierve for a scene, then teleport to the Gov. Function Square for a scene, and the quest Yuna'southward Request. Head to the beginning of the White Frontier and head southwest to the objective. Impale the person after the scene, then return to Yuna at Gov. Part Square. You'll have some scenes, and then get an achievement.

Making the Chichi Dress F and School Uniform F

At present head to the Hero Quest Counter in the Lobby, and do the showtime 15 Party Quests. They are like the solo hero quests, except y'all accept a party and tin can but exist one of the 4 heroes. You pick ane of the 4 and kill all the enemies. Another wrinkle to these quests is that you must find the chest with the Keepsake Earring in each one.

Hero Quest 1 - Turn left every bit shortly every bit you lot spawn in, open the chest.
Hero Quest ii - Plough right every bit soon as y'all spawn in, open the chest.
Hero Quest 3 - Go through the door and look upward, you'll see a ledge yous can grapple to, the breast is upwardly at that place on the right.
Hero Quest 4 - Become through the door and expect up, yous'll see a ledge you can grapple to, the chest is upwardly there on the left.
Hero Quest 5 - Get into the warp gate, immediately plow around and drop downwards, so look left.
Hero Quest vi - Become into the warp gate. Grapple onto the platform higher up you and wait correct to find this.
Hero Quest vii - Go into the warp gate. Follow the east wall northward and yous'll find a big white box with a breast on information technology.
Hero Quest 8 - This one is behind the warp gate in the spawn area.
Hero Quest 9 - Also behind the warp gate in the spawn area.
Hero Quest 10 - Same every bit five, enter the warp gate, turn around, driblet down, look left.
Hero Quest 11 - When you spawn in turn around and forward to the wall, yous'll see the breast.
Hero Quest 12 - Go into the warp gate, the chest is alee of yous, behind the dominate on a platform.
Hero Quest xiii - Equally soon as you lot spawn in, plow correct and yous'll see it.
Hero Quest 14 - Enter the warp gate and immediately turn around.
Hero Quest 15 - Become through the initial door and look upward, you'll come across a platform with this on it.

You'll get an achievement in one case y'all've done 15.

Gather your Keepsake Earrings and caput to the Lobby Online PvP Counter. If you tin can't find some make sure you cheque your item box, and also brand sure you appraise any items you have, sometimes yous'll become the Emblem Earrings unappraised. Head to the Online PvP Counter in the lobby and talk to the lady on the correct (if facing the desk-bound). She'll give you an outfit design since yous have all 26 earrings. Now you need to brand the Schoolhouse Compatible F and the Chic Dress F.

Schoolhouse Uniform

10 Supreme Material
7 Premium Cloth
10 Rare Textile
10 Organic Bee Antenna

Chic Dress F

x Premium Cloth
10 Monster Bloodstone
ten Organic Bee Antenna
15 Snowstorm Queen Wing Console

Organic Bee Antenna - These come up from the bees yous can find all over the place, yous shouldn't need to farm for these. I had so many they were being sent to the item box.

Snowstorm Queen Wing Panel - Do the Sub Quest "Yuna's Request 2" 4 times. To complete information technology, simply teleport to the beginning of White Frontier and head southwest to kill Yuna's Stalker again. This will give y'all all the Snowstorm Queen Wing Panels yous demand.

Monster Bloodstone - Impale the Abyss Guide UE. Teleport to the SBC Flugel Gate in Forgotten Forest and head west to detect this UE, slaughter him until you accept ten.

Premium Cloth - Drops from Players on Extreme. Teleport to the archway of Forgotten Wood, then become due north upward the cliff to find some players, at that place'due south more than northwest of them. Go northward for a third set, and y'all'll find the quaternary group in the northeast corner of the map.

Rare Material - Drops from Players on Normal (as well drops on extreme). You should get enough of these equally yous subcontract Premium Cloth.

Supreme Cloth - Drops from Players in White Frontier.

You'll get ii achievements one for making the School Uniform F, and one for making the Chic Apparel F. Brand them at Asuna, in case you lot forgot.

Accessory Aficionado

Collect all Emblem Earrings and create a School Uniform F.

Accessory Addict

1 guide Offline Game Mode Single Player Collectable Shop

Powerleveling and Farming Final Weapon

At present you should slaughter Waste matter Gang to level up more, and as well level upwards Yuna, Eiji, and Sachi'due south affection. View at to the lowest degree the very first sleepover consequence for each. Sachi can only be talked to in Kirito Mode afterward y'all've done the story. Once you've done at least one engagement with all iii, yous'll get an achievement.

In one case you get to about 220, I would subcontract to get a legendary Benetnasch (or any weapon yous prefer). The reason being is that the luck stat is super important for farming, and when you're effectually this level Philia and Silica max out at 255 luck. Salve your electric current customization information and load an empty slot. Get enough STR/DEX to use your weapon, and pump luck, and then VIT/AGI. For your Arfa max Luck and INT, give her enough STR/AGI to use a random weak gun and then pump her VIT/AGI. The adjacent matter you want depends on what you lot're farming. At that place are two relevant stats hither: Detail Drop Rate, and Rare Item Drop Rate. Detail Drop Rate affects the chance of an particular dropping in the first place. If you're fighting the Gatling Drones for a Benetnasch, this is important. They don't always driblet a Benetnasch (and commonly don't) so increasing the chance of it happening in the first place is very important. If you're fighting something that ALWAYS drops a weapon, well, increasing 100% higher than 100% doesn't do anything. Rare Item Drop Rate affects the rarity of the item, which is super important when aiming for a legendary, because...duh. So basically yous desire a mix of both if y'all're farming something like the drones that don't have a 100% drib, or load up on Rare Detail Drop Rate if it'south a boss or something that always drops a weapon. For the Benetnasch, I put one Item Drop Rate and one Rare Item Drop Rate on my master character and Arfa, if yous have the DLC that allows you to modify friend'southward chips, put the same setup on Philia and Silica.

Equally for the weapon itself, you want a legendary with 8 chips, and at to the lowest degree 4 fries that you actually desire. For legendary 8 chips, yous can swap out upward to 4 fries, so as long as it has at least 4 chips you need you lot tin can alter it to exist an ideal weapon. The higher the %s on the chips the better, but fifty-fifty if they're low you can subcontract genbu for cash and smash as many weapons into it to boost it where you want, it just takes longer. However, farming a legendary weapon in the outset place can take a really long time too, peculiarly since you non only need a legendary to drib merely one with at least 4 chips you want. So IMO, you should just accept the first legendary you get that qualifies, just it's up to yous. Rank 11 weapons are much more costly to upgrade than lower ranks (the Benetnasch I ended up using toll 5500 credits and xxx transform chips for each transform attempt). As for the fries themselves, that depends on what kind of gun you have. If you lot don't desire to apply a gatling gun, you should caput on over to this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/one-XFtBR8qwxo-Rj3cOMEMzBbY...# the dude breaks downwardly all the rank xi weapons to a level of detail I could never hope to match. Do notation that only weapons in the White Frontier or one of the dungeons in it will work, as that document includes weapons from the first three DLCs too. Assuming you're going with a gatling gun like me, hither's what I used.

Optical Harm
Weapon Damage
Weak Spot Damage
Harm at Max HP
Harm Vs Lifeforms
Harm Vs Mechs
Damage Vs Humans
Overheart Buildup and Duration

Something I should annotation before you lot go for your final weapon is that optical weapons like the benetnasch are less effective against humans than physical damage weapons, and the hardest hardcore phase is all humans. The problem is the only other gatling gun in the DLC is World'southward Cease, which requires a much more than annoying farming path, and confronting a far more than annoying enemy called S-Type Sniper Butterflies. Those are the super annoying flying mechs that knock y'all around with lasers. On extreme, they take incredible defense force and are not easy kills, whereas Gatling Drones are easy. I'll get out information technology upward to yous as to which one you desire to become, all I'll say is I did everything but the last few hardcore coop quests just fine (which I just cooped, every bit the proper name would imply). Every bit for the actual farming, buy all three of the colognes from Argo, and make sure everyone has 255 luck, then farm either the gatling drones or the Collywobbles to go a legendary with 4 chips you want. The process for moving fries is the same, but since information technology costs far more to nail weapons into a rank 11 weapon, you want to make sure to max the chips before yous move them to your final weapon of selection.

Every bit an FYI, Lisbeth has a level that goes upward when you kill certain bosses on normal and farthermost, so if y'all really wanted to, y'all could run through the game again on farthermost to unlock Lisbeth's concluding ranks, but I wouldn't bother. Rank determines the cap for each stat. For example with max rank, the cap for Optical Assail is 29.50%, simply at rank 8 (which you should be) information technology'll be 23.fifty%. The lower damage overall sucks merely the amount of effort required isn't worth it, IMO. I've read it requires all the DLCs, so you may not even be able to exercise it with just DotN. Anyway, once yous've got a legendary benetnasch y'all're happy with, it's time to make the terminal weapon you'll use.

1. Have a trash weapon (or multiple weapons if need be) with the stats you desire that are locked and smash weapons into information technology until they reach the max. Stats have different caps, the game will warn y'all when you're trying to transform weapons with a maxed chip. Y'all too won't see an increase in the number when yous're supposed to confirm the transformation.

ii. Unlock however many chips y'all need on your legendary benetnasch.

3. Swap the unlocked chips on your legendary Benetnasch with the stats y'all want on the trash weapon.

4. Max the stats that were already on the legendary Benetnasch. This volition probably require smacking Genbu around for money. The shady material vendor sells transformation fries, then yous tin blast stuff into it as much every bit you want, information technology just gets a little plush. Notation that you tin can probably do Genbu on farthermost and should, every bit he drops a random number of HQEs, and I've seen as high as 19-xx from one kill.

Killing the Two Bosses on Farthermost

Next upwards are the ii DLC bosses. We have to do it on farthermost difficulty, so switch to it if you aren't on it now. Needless to say, these volition be a huge pace up from what you've been fighting before. Fifty-fifty with a bang-up weapon you can't only go in and 1-shot them, so be prepared to die a few times while you larn the fight.

Snowstorm Ereshkigal

She's in the MIR. Teleport to the last endpoint and go south, DO Not go east, that warp gate leads to a different boss. You probably didn't notice because she was much easier during the story, only the boss has 3 orbs that will pump energy into her and ability upwardly her attacks and they continually respawn. It seems they increase her assault power. Her main attack that can wipe your party is her blizzard, which summons ice and throws information technology at the area. They knock you down and can do it multiple times in one blizzard, making it hard for yous or your allies to revive anyone. Her other attacks are either slamming her staff downwards or swinging it across the arena. I usually sit in the dorsum shut to the door. I failed many times trying to destroy the orbs while they spawned while likewise damaging the dominate. I tried to just blitz her downward and it worked commencement try. I was no doubtfulness lucky in doing it the starting time time but I would advise trying it nonetheless. When yous stagger her it cancels her attacks, including the blizzard. Use PF/HF before yous go in, use ABS on her immediately, and and so pump bullets into the gem on her breasts and pray you stagger her plenty to impale her before she uses her blizzard assault and kills everyone. In my case, she did it once and only hitting me before I staggered her and canceled information technology, so that helped. Use Heat Detonation to keep the firepower going (I only had level ii by accident and still did information technology). You'll get an accomplishment when you win. I've included a video of it if you want to take a look at how I did it.

Cocytus Nifta

He is located in SBC Abend in White Borderland if yous forgot. This guy is by far more than difficult. He will constantly be one-shotting all of your allies, and he doesn't have a gigantic target on his breasts to striking, his main weak spot is his much smaller confront. The carmine thing on his knee joints are also a weak point, so you lot can endeavor and aim for those when his face is not available, though to be honest I simply bullheaded burn down unless I go a good chance to shoot his face. All of his attacks are quite annoying. When he gets close to you lot he will shoot the automobile gun at you, it will likely ane-shot you unless he has the Power Pause condition issue or you can dodge it. He shoots missiles, which are incredibly hard to dodge, and he also does a spinning attack. Your allies beloved to clump upwardly, so this will slaughter them. He shoots missiles that make icicles, which y'all need to stand up behind if he uses his sweeping laser assault, you'll be able to come across he is going to do information technology. You should be prepared to die a lot trying to figure the fight out. What got me the win was using Lisbeth and Asuna. It seemed similar Lisbeth did a pretty good job of keeping Power Break Shot on the boss, so he didn't one-shot my characters virtually equally much. I messed up and didn't record the total fight, just most of it, but you should yet be able to see the general thought of how the fight goes and what to do. I got quite lucky in that he didn't apply his super axle attack, though I don't know why he never did.

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Source: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Sword-Art-Online-Fatal-Bullet/walkthrough/5

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