Change the Color of the Nline Art in Flash

Line Art and Colour Fine art Layers

Toon Nail Animate Pro has an option allowing yous to paint the lines and the colour fills separately.

In Toon Boom Animate Pro, a cartoon is composed of four embedded layers:

Overlay Layer
Line Art Layer
Colour Art Layer
Underlay Layer

In general, apply the Line Art and Colour Fine art layers. The Underlay and Overlay layers are used for advanced purposes.

Refer to the topic to acquire more about these layers.

By default, you describe on the Line Art layer. The colour layer is always placed nether the Line Fine art layer. These layers are accessible in the Drawing or Camera view (using drawing tools). When yous look at your terminal cartoon in the Timeline, Xsheet or Network view, you will non meet 4 layers; instead you will see the final limerick of the lines and colours.

You tin can describe and paint in all layers, just if you prefer working in a single layer, yous tin practice everything in Line Fine art.

The main advantage of using the Line Fine art and Color Art option is so you can repaint the lines easily. If your colour fills are separated from the lines, it allows you to use the repaint tool and paint the lines without affecting the colour zones. Too, it allows you to pigment tones and highlights in line art and and so add together some transparency to see the Color Art through information technology.

In social club to paint in the Color Art, you must first use the Create Colour Art from Line Art option to create colour zones in the Colour Art. Y'all need to utilize this option to paint drawings vectorized equally greyscale texture mode.

To toggle between Line Art and Colour Fine art and enable the Preview mode:

1. In the Tools toolbar, select any drawing tool.
2. To toggle between Line Art and Colour Fine art:
In the Drawing view,right-click and select Switch to Color Fine art/Switch to Line Art or s[L].
In the Cartoon or Camera lesser toolbar, click on the Colour Art push button.
In the Cartoon or Camera bottom toolbar, click on the Line Fine art push.
iii. To preview the Line Art and Colour Art at the aforementioned time:
In the Drawing view,right-click and select Preview Line Art and Colour Art. While using the Preview mode, you even so edit one manner at a fourth dimension or press [Shift] + [P].
In the Cartoon or Camera lesser toolbar, click on the Preview button. To be able to see only one of the layers at a time in the Camera view, you must enable the Current Drawing on Summit choice, bachelor from the Photographic camera bottom toolbar drop-down carte. If this option is not enabled, you will encounter the final composition of all four layers.

In order to edit both Line Art and Color Art at the same time, you must enable the Apply to Line Art and Color Art button in the Tool Properties of the tools supporting the functioning.

In Toon Smash Breathing Pro, yous take two extra art layers available beside the Line Art and the Colour Art, the Underlay and the Overlay layers. The Underlay is situated at the very lesser and the Overlay at the very top.


The Underlay layer tin be used like any other of the art layers available in the drawing, only since it is situated behind everything else, you can use it to create a matte for a quick line-test, write notes or store your rough blitheness.


The Overlay layer tin be used as any other of the art layers available in the drawing, only since it is situated on height of every other, information technology can be useful for writing notes virtually the colour model or animation or to draw the highlight and tone shapes.

Related Topics

Generating a Matte for Your Blitheness
Creating Strokes to Paint Your Drawings on a Separated Layer
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